Sunday, November 1, 2009

On the subject of spooky things

So it's not cool to introduce yet another commercially-driven celebration into our increasingly materialistic consumer culture. But as a mother who accidentally allowed child to see disturbing scene from an R-rated horror flick, what's not to love about Halloween?

This is the jack-o'-lantern we made for the celebration. Some 20 somethings from nearby share house tried to steal it from the front of our house and take it to park for booze up on mouldy old couches they had dragged out into the elements. When husband went over to retrieve it they ran as soon as they saw him coming. Lulu most impressed and subsequently called her Daddy, Officer Pugh, after policeman from the famous Ahlberg book, Cops and Robbers.

These are the cupcakes we made for trick-or-treaters. Girls dressed as god-knows-what so excited when husband handed them over. They said, 'Gosh. You are the nicest dude.' Husband pretended to be wryly amused but could tell he was chuffed.

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